The IBM PC NFT Staking Sticker Series

The IBM PC NFT Sticker Series celebrates the IBM PC in a fun new 1980s way. All stickers are designed using artistic elements from our Series 1 collection, made into 3D puffy stickers! What could be more 1980s than that?!

The original IBM PC was the exciting new computer of the 80s, it was also a versatile workhorse. We’ve designed our Staking Sticker Series with that in mind. Why just own a piece of history when you can put it to work and earn REAL VALUE by staking for REAL SILVER?

Introducing the Stickers

The stickers in the set fall into four different groups:

Common 3 Stickers
Rare 6 Stickers
Super Rare 5 Stickers
Elite 3 Stickers

Four additional stickers provide utility:

  • “NFT Stickers”
  • IBM Model F ‘XT’ Keyboard (storied history, but is now non-staking bling, used for future blending)
  • SilverBacked PC Sticker (required to stake individual stickers)
  • Exceptionally rare (<1%) “Black Edition PC” (2x the power of a single computing rig)

The “NFT Stickers” Sticker
Whitelist for premium access to drops

SilverBacked PC Sticker
Access key to stake individual stickers

IBM Model F ‘XT’ Keyboard
(not staking but will be used for future blending)

The Available Sticker Packs

Starter Packs

The STARTER PACKs are very important because they contain both a VIP access sticker and a sticker that gives you the ability to stake individual stickers outside of rigs. They come in two varieties:

Staking Sticker Packs

IBM PC NFT Staking Sticker Packs give you the opportunity to get one or more of the following staking stickers:

  • IBM PC Sticker (Common)
  • Common Upgrade Stickers, 2 Types
  • Rare Upgrade Stickers, 6 Types
  • Super Rare Upgrade Stickers, 5 Types
  • Elite Upgrade Stickers, 3 Types
  • Chance for an ultra-rare Black Edition PC (2X your staking power, or 4X in a rig!)

IBM PC Staking Sticker Packs come in FOUR different sizes:

Pack Size Included Stickers Total Packs Price (WAX)
Consumer Pack 3 Stickers 50 Available Packs 35 WAX
Business Pack 6 Stickers 115 Available Packs 62 WAX
Scientist Pack 12 Stickers 80 Available Packs 100 WAX
Collector’s Box 10 Consumer Packs (30 Stickers) 10 Available Boxes 250 WAX

All Sticker Packs come with a collectible bonus… The package! Now you can KEEP the original packaging after opening! And hold on to those wrappers, as they may be useful down the road to blend! This is especially advantageous with the Collector’s box… keep the collectible lunch box and ALL 10 of the Consumer Pack wrappers from the inside!

Consumer Pack

Business Pack

Scientist Pack

Collector’s Box


Compared to modern computers, the original IBM PC was a basic, yet well-engineered machine. The IBM PC NFT Experience reflects that simplicity in its Staking and Rewards program. 

  • Each sticker carries a staking power that is associated with its rarity.
  • Stickers can be assembled into one of several Computer Rig configurations.
  • When in a Computer Rig, staking power is doubled (2X).
  • Computer Rigs built from Black Edition PC stickers will double staking power again (4X).

NOTE: Individual stickers can ONLY be staked in conjunction with a SilverBacked PC sticker, with one required per staking account. SilverBacked PC sticker is NOT required for full Computer Rigs.

All stickers (except for the two utility stickers – “NFT Stickers” and “SilverBacked PC”) may be staked for rewards. As the sticker rarity increases, typically so does its staking power (there are a few exceptions to this, just to make the staking math work out). Common Upgrade stickers are rarer than PC stickers, so they have a higher staking power. Likewise, Rare Upgrades are even rarer, followed by Elite Upgrades. Staking power is typically inversely correlated to rarity (adjusted to whole numbers to keep things simple).

Note that stickers are rated by rarity as: Common, Rare, Super Rare, and Elite. The rarity corresponds to the probability of getting the sticker from a pack. The staking power of the sticker is noted in its attributes, and may in some cases be different than the chart below.

Sticker Group ≈ Rarity Staking Power
The PC Stickers 56% 1
Standard Upgrades 33% 1
Rare Upgrades 8% 3
Elite Upgrades 3% 9

Computing Rigs

For double the staking power, assemble stickers into one of four different computing rig types: Office Rig, Gaming Rig, Developer Rig, and an elite SETI Rig.

SILVER Rewards Pool

UPDATE 11/6 – To simplify the staking rewards, we have decided that for the Staking Sticker program, ALL REWARDS WILL BE ISSUED DIRECTLY IN LD2 TOKENS, NOT IN SilverBacked intermediary tokens. STAKERS EARN SILVER REWARDS DIRECTLY IN LD2 XLDZ TOKENS. Rewards will accrue during the program and may be claimed starting January 1, 2022, at 0000 UTC. The rewards claim date may be moved up (earlier) at our discretion.

The introductory rewards pool size will be 50 XLDZ tokens (50 Troy ounces of 999 fine silver, securely vaulted through LD2). In short, owners stake their PC rigs to EARN REAL SILVER REWARDS. Talk about real-world value! Because LD2 is fully redeemable, you can take physical delivery of your silver earnings or leave them on-chain as a true, asset-backed stablecoin.

Rewards distribute from the pool according to the linear function: y = kx

Early Access to Silver Staking

Holders of the IBM PC SilverBacked Access Token get early access to Sticker staking and rewards during our beta window. 55 of these tokens were made available on September 11, 2021, with an additional 20 for artist reserve and possible giveaways. Following the beta Sticker staking and rewards window, these tokens grant access to SERIES I card staking when it debuts in Q4 2021.

Reward Calculation and Payout

Staking rewards will be paid out daily and distributed proportionally between those staked in the pool during the previous 24 hours. The minimum lock-in period for staking is 24 hours, and assets only accrue rewards while staked. The staking contract calculates payouts as follows. (NOTE: %OfPeriodStaked will always be 100%, or 1.0 – as the minimum staking lock-in period is the same as one staking period, so you will be considered to have participated for 100% of any given period.)

The staking sticker program lasts for 90 days, with each 24-hour day being one staking/vesting period. The 50 XLDZ tokens (50 Troy ounces of silver) will be distributed over the 90 day period, with 0.5555 XLDZ as GrossPeriodRewards in the above formula. Thanks to the power of mathematics, there may be some leftover dust at the conclusion of the program. This dust would likely be the equivalent of 0.0001 XLDZ, or approximately 1 WAX. We will determine what happens to any dust (if any) at the conclusion of the program. 

Silver rewards redemption will begin on January 1, 2022. All reward holders can claim their rewards (XLDZ). You can exchange these tokens freely on the WAX blockchain, or you can take physical delivery of your own silver! PLUS, you can even use your rewards towards SERIES I 40th Anniversary Pack purchases, and start all over staking with MORE POWER for MORE REWARDS!

EARLY ACCESS STAKING begins Saturday, November 11, 2021. The first vesting will occur at 0000 UTC on November 8, 2021.